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health services needed by the community and easily achieved by the community.

Organizing Quality, Effective and Efficient Training Activities

Become a world-class science institution in research

About Us

KARMIG Center (Kartika Minimally Invasive Gynecology Center) was officially launched as one of Indonesian Gynecological Endoscopy Society) in 2016. Since then, KARMIG Center has performed and organized education, training and publication in gynecologic endoscopy.

Advance Minimal
Access Gynecology Fellowship

By the end of the fellowship, participant is expected to have adequate knowledge and skills (base on curriculum) to perform minimal access gynecology.

Our Team

Togetherness is a very important aspect of our lives. Togetherness is able to unite us.

Course Director

As the Course Director of KARMIG Center, Dr Nandy, his nickname.

Master Trainer

Dr. Gunawan has been interested in Endoscopic Gynecology and Infertility management

Master Trainer

Having very good hands, Dr. Sita is known as the best gyne endoscopist.

Master Trainer

Since joining the KARMIG team, Dr. Surya has begun operations and facilitated training.

Master Trainer

Having great attention to minimally operating access since his residency program, Dr. Ferry joined the KARMIG team.

Master Trainer

Dr. Rizka is a gyne-endocrinologist and fertility expert recognized in Indonesia. He carried out minimal access operations

Honorable Faculty

Dr. Sigit is an expert in minimally invasive surgical gynecological oncology. Expertise in this field is considered the most sophisticated.

Honorable Faculty

Dr Edward is one of the KARMIG faculty for he had focused in some particular technique in Indonesia.

Honorable Faculty

Dr Andry learned his skill originally from the APAGE headquarter in Taipei, Taiwan. He has performed independently since then.

Training Advance Minimal Access Gynecology Fellowship